Each working day the trading unit of Causal Capital monitors the market for various opportunities. On the preceding day, we write up the trade opportunities we were looking at and taking.
In the sense of it all, perhaps in an idealistic or best practice way, we can compare what we did while the market was running hot with what we could have done in line with our strategy and in this way, we are able to learn about how we can improve, what we missed, where we went wrong ... in effect we sharpen our edge.
The Write Up of TSLA related to the video can be found below and if you have further question on this trading strategy or the way we executed the strategy, please do reach out to Martin Davies on this email LINK. We are hoping to do more of these write ups in the coming months ahead, and these documented drafts will be published up here on the Equinoxium Site.
You can access this Trade Write Up on TSLA | LINK
Trading is not investing; it's about identifying time bound opportunities in the market and developing a repeatable edge to yield from those opportunities in a risk defined manner.
Martin Davies | Causal Capital
The Retrospective
Many people believe trading is easy, that a trader simply hits the bid button and takes profits. That description of what goes on in a trading room couldn't be further from the truth. An effective trader is always looking at their performance criteria, Win Loss Ratios, the probability of success and becoming most effective at executing strategies to lift up their Win Rate. We attempt to stop losses as small as possible, and let the winners run.
To become good at anything, playing golf, flying an aircraft or trading as it is, you need to practice and learn from what you did when you faced uncertainty. You do this in retrospect, in a calm manner, after the event has played out so that you can plan for future engagements within the realm of adversity and opportunity.
Additionally, trading has an emotional aspect to it that is challenging to contain, especially when the market is open and at its most volatile. By learning how to react from situational reviews, we can establish execution rules and define criteria to be on the lookout for in our planned response to market madness.
If you want to survive, you don't want to do this on the fly but in the safety of the retrospective environment ... The Retrospective is the CHECK moment in a Plan Do Check Act or PDCA framework.